Introduction to Tian Bridge International
Tian Bridge International (TBI), Tianyuan College adheres to the educational philosophy of Tianyuan College, and is committed to developing internationalized Chinese education in China. Through innovative curriculum integration, TBI emphasizes sound academic foundation and subject-specific literacy, and offers both Chinese and international curricula to fulfill the prescribed requirement of overseas universities and enable students to go out, come back and stay smoothly and successfully. TBI provides personalized education approach and higher education channels to meet individual requirements and develop full potentials of students with special talents.<p>
Tian Bridge International (TBI), Tianyuan College aims to cultivate Chinese young people who are temperate, magnanimous, epistemophilic, and multi-talented with patriotic hearts and global perspectives. TBI graduates are able to further their studies at overseas universities in countries including but not limited to the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France, Japan, and Singapore.(March, 2024)<p>
School Running Characteristics
• 身处杭州城西科创大走廊核心区域的独立教育品牌
• 与15年优质国民教育师生共享教育资源的国际化高中
• 懂教育的专家做的放心教育
• 实施真正能落地的个性化融合课程
• 提供学园胜家园的寄宿制体验
• 从入学到毕业陪伴成长的“Can Make True”团队保驾护航
• 构建线上线下相结合的家校共同体
• 获得1个剑桥考试中心+ 1个英国戏剧考点+近10个国际竞赛考点认证
• 整合6所海外高校和2所海外中学的资源,提供近10家龙头产业实践基地
Teacher Style
Student Style
Campus Scenery